Local City Information:
Time 805-966-0611
Temperature 805-861-4323
Verizon phone service 800-483-1000
Southern California Edison 800-655-4555
Southern California Gas Company 800-427-2200
Business Information:
SB Conference and Visitors Bureau 805-966-9222
Solvang Visitors Bureau 800-468-6765
Better Business Bureau 805-322-2074
Buellton Chamber of Commerce 805-688-7829
Santa Ynez Chamber of Commerce 805-688-5318
Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce 805-965-3023
Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce 805-965-4618
Transportation Information:
Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit 805-683-3702
Santa Ynez Valley Transit 805-688-5452
Santa Barbara Municipal Airport 805-683-4011
Los Angeles International Airport 310-646-5252
Government Information:
City of Buellton 805-686-0137
City of Carpinteria 805-684-5405
City of Santa Barbara 805-963-0611
City of Solvang 800-688-5575
SB County Registrar of Voters 805-568-2200
State Elections Division 805-568-2200
SB County Assessor's Office 805-568-2550
License Information:
Hunting and fishing license 562-590-5132
Pet license 805-681-5285
Marriage license 805-568-2210
Drivers license 805-968-5554